First sporting hub of Potchefstroom
Today Potchefstroom is undeniably one of the sporting hubs of the country. Due to the internationally regarded High Performance Institute at the North-West University Potchefstroom Campus, international athletes are flocking to train here, mostly during the summer...
Alexandra Park – the lost green heart of Potchefstroom
“A delightful resort . . . very popular with residents and visitors. There are shaded walks, arbours, a rosary and well-cultivated gardens, an added charm being the large furrow which passes through.” This is how a brochure to promote Potchefstroom described the park...
The tragic stories about the early doctors of Potchefstroom
With the passing of the Dr Alfons Raats at the end of 2021, Potchefstroom lost one of its well-loved physicians. Since the founding of the town many medical men – and women – served Potchefstroom with great distinction. Researching this article about the early doctors...
Leslie Skead – geneesheer van vele talente
Vir bykans vier dekades was hy een van die talle geneeshere van Potchefstroom. Al het hy 23 jaar gelede afgetree is daar nou nog Potchefstromers wat hom onthou. Hy is dr Leslie Skead (91). Hy was ’n mediese praktisyn toe dinge in die mediese wêreld nog ’n bietjie...
Street names reflect history 17 – Missed Streets
In his series of articles in the 1970s Senex did not give an explanation for all the street names of Potchefstroom. Although the archives of the Potchefstroom Museum have more information, the origin of some street names are nowhere to be found. In the course of...
Street names reflect history 16 – The lost street names of Potchefstroom
Changing street names has always been a contentious issue. After the Anglo-Boer War – and with a new political dispensation – the town council of Potchefstroom had long discussions on the changing of certain street names. The one that lasted was King Edward Street,...
Street names reflect history 15 – W & Z
Do the residents of Zeederberg Street know that their street was named after a now extinct form of travel? Or that the Weeks family, after whom that street was named, suffered a terrible tragedy? Or that Rev Wynne, after whom that street was named revolutionised...
Street names reflect history 14 – V
A street not named after a rector and one named after another rector, one named after a musician, the town furrow and a battle are included in these street names. Van Alphen Street (Baillie Park) was named after one of the early teachers of Potchefstroom. JN van...
Street names reflect history 13 – T
Not many street names in Potchefstroom begin with a “T”. One, however, represents one of the most widely-known residents of Potchefstroom, the poet Totius. Gardens and a fertilizer plant also gave their names to these streets. Theron Street (South) Mr CP (Charles)...
FW de Klerk – the golden boy of Potch
He never permanently lived in Potchefstroom, wasn’t even born here, but through most of his life FW de Klerk was intrinsically linked to Potchefstroom, especially with the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education (PU for CHE). With his passing at the...