
Old Grimbeekhuis – a gem in our midst

Set like a fine diamond in the setting of its verdant gardens, the Old Grimbeekhuis in Herman Street in Grimbeek Park, is a treasure in our midst. This is how it is described by a reviewer on social media. The Old Grimbeekhuis is very near to my heart. In the early...

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Potchefstroom oorstroom

Met die baie reën die afgelope tyd en foto’s en video’s van oorvol riviere wat die media oorspoel, is oorstromings op almal se lippe. Onlangs was daar verskeie berigte in die Herald van mense wat verdrink het. Boonop was dit onlangs die 40ste herdenking van die...

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Street names reflect history 2

The first person to wear the mayor’s robe and the saviour of an ox-wagon has lent their names to street names starting with a “B”. The wealth of Potchefstroom’s history, being the oldest town north of the Vaal River, is reflected in its street names. Many streets are...

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Street names reflect history 1

The wealth of Potchefstroom’s history, being the oldest town north of the Vaal River, is reflected in its street names. The most unusual origin of a Potchefstroom street name might be Grietjie Street in Dassierand, which was named after a canon. Zeederberg Street,...

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