The first person to wear the mayor’s robe and the saviour of an ox-wagon has lent their names to street names starting with a “B”. The wealth of Potchefstroom’s history, being the oldest town north of the Vaal River, is reflected in its street names. Many streets are...

Street names reflect history 1
The wealth of Potchefstroom’s history, being the oldest town north of the Vaal River, is reflected in its street names. The most unusual origin of a Potchefstroom street name might be Grietjie Street in Dassierand, which was named after a canon. Zeederberg Street,...
Beyers Naudé: ingeperk vir sewe jaar
Iemand wat geweet het wat inperking beteken was Beyers Naudé, voormalige predikant van die NG Kerk, Potchefstroom (Moedergemeente) en uitgeworpene tydens die apartheidsjare. Oor sy inperktyd skryf hy later: Die sewe maerste jare van my lewe (het) die sewe verrykendste...
Early electricity woes
Providing electric power to Potchefstroom has never been an easy matter. Just like today an economic slump, disagreements and failing equipment had an influence on supplying electricity to Potchefstroom since even more than a decade before it became available for the...