André P Brink – die Potchefstroom-dae

Selfs toe hy ’n student aan die destydse Potchefstroomse Universiteit was, nog lank voor hy landswyd en wêreldwyd bekend geword het as skrywer, het André Brink al uitgestaan bo sy studentemaats. Ek het hom ingesluit in my lys van merkwaardige oud-Potchefstromers wat...

Soldate vs studente

Gemoedere wat hoog loop veroorsaak van tyd tot tyd gespanne situasies op die kampus. Vandag se studente was egter nog nooit die slagoffers van geweld, soos wat hulle oumas en oupas in 1940 beleef het nie. Dit was midde-in die Tweede Wêreldoorlog en die Pukke was “in...

First sporting hub of Potchefstroom

Today Potchefstroom is undeniably one of the sporting hubs of the country. Due to the internationally regarded High Performance Institute at the North-West University Potchefstroom Campus, international athletes are flocking to train here, mostly during the summer...

Alexandra Park – the lost green heart of Potchefstroom

“A delightful resort . . . very popular with residents and visitors. There are shaded walks, arbours, a rosary and well-cultivated gardens, an added charm being the large furrow which passes through.” This is how a brochure to promote Potchefstroom described the park...