by Lennie | Nov 3, 2023 | Events, Forgotten Heroes, Places
As daar een mens in Potchefstroom is wat gesorg het dat Potchefstroom anders lyk as voor sy op die toneel verskyn het, is dit Wendri Eloff. Sy het aan die einde van Oktober 2023 afgetree as direkteur van die Potchefstroomse Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes na ’n...
by Lennie | Oct 16, 2023 | Events, Forgotten Heroes, Places, Technology
After the magnificent concert on Sunday, 8 October, performed by a combined NWU Symphony Orchestra, the Rhapsody Orchestra from Bloemfontein and the North West Youth Orchestra, accompanied by the NWU Choir and the NWU Serenaders, I again realised what an absolute gem...
by Lennie | Sep 2, 2023 | Forgotten Heroes, People
Enkele dae gelede, op 27 Augustus, is die amptelike ontvangs van die eerste Bybel in Afrikaans negentig jaar gelede gevier. Dis alombekend dat prof JD du Toit, of Totius soos hy beter bekend is, een van die vyf eindvertalers van die Bybel is. Wat egter minder bekend...
by Lennie | Aug 26, 2023 | People, Places, Technology
The house conjures up visions of the giggles of little girls in starched dresses from more than a century ago running in the wide corridor. Under a large tree a child-size table stands with a white starched table cloth and children gather around the table to sip tea...
by Lennie | Aug 14, 2023 | Forgotten Heroes, People, Technology
Marrying a man whose first passion is cars, I was immersed in the history of motor vehicles since we met. Hence, the history of the automotive businesses in Potchefstroom interested me. My husband, Hans, and one of his fellow car-enthusiasts, Dr Dennis du Toit,...